Xerox Workflow Central

Transform documents instantly.
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Xerox Workflow Central simplifies the process of transforming documents instantly from any device, whether it’s a PC, tablet, mobile device, or a Xerox® multifunction printer. This versatile solution enables seamless document management, allowing you to streamline workflows and improve productivity from wherever you are. Transform, edit, and share your documents with ease, making your work more efficient and accessible.

Helping to solve everyday document centric challenges, Workflow Central makes it simple to:

  • Convert documents to Microsoft Office formats (.docx, .pptx, .xlsx).
  • Perform auto redaction on personally identifiable information.
  • Instantly translate your documents to a language of your choice.
  • Transform your document to an audio file to listen wherever.
  • Convert handwriting or notes into an editable document.
  • Automatically create a summarized document for quicker reading.
  • Combine up to 5 different formats into one concise document.
  • Add document rights management to any file, allowing for users to track views, viewers and restrict and track protected documents.
  • Convert any file to a Text Searchable PDF and, or PDF/A format.
  • Fax digitally and securely using cloud fax technology.

  • Additional Productivity Tools

  • Users can now create their own automated workflows that can monitor input destinations for set conditions, then process files in the background with the chosen workflow.
  • Various output options: email, download, add security with Document Password and Encrypt and Track, route to your favorite cloud repository.
  • Pre-set Combinations such as Translate + Audio and Merge + Translate + Redact increase productivity gains further.
  • Integration with Xerox Print & Scan Experience app.
  • Account management at the Workflow Central web portal.

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